It is well known that micro, small, and medium enterprises can have the greatest impact on community life by helping to improve the socio-economic conditions of local people.
However, the risks associated with establishing a small business in an environment with perceived limited opportunities can sometime crush the desire or enthusiasm to make those important first steps. Real and tangible opportunities can be lost simply due to a lack of confidence, especially if starting out on your own for the very first time. It is at these times when entrepreneurs who seek to improve their lives, and the lives of others need to be guided in ways that will help boost confidence and re-ignite enthusiasm.
Providing the right type of guidance on what critical steps to take, when to take them, and what can be expected as a result of these actions is, therefore, paramount.
Our MME and SME Business Development courses teach the fundamentals of starting, managing, and growing a small community-based or local tourism enterprise. Our expert team of business leaders and investment specialist share their knowledge and experiences to ensure you are equipped with the right knowledge and information to support your current or future endeavours.